Thursday, October 20, 2011


To Jordan's post:
I completely agree that Kierkegaard and Nietzsche aren't exact opposites of each other, but one thing that I think is different between them is the notion of death. In that manner they are different, because Nietzsche doesn't want to let go of Earthly living and clutches to it thinking that will slow down the process of imminent death. Kierkegaard on the hand is about accepting death and not necessarily welcoming it but accepting that it will one day come and that you will be ready for it since you have placed all your faith in God and his promise. One you do that you can fully enjoy life and be a morally happier person, because you understand that death will happen and it's not something you are dreading. However, for Nietzsche people push the topic of death to the side and focus on only gaining power and not following God's moral law. Because of this they kind of self-destruct their own power and eventually reach the religious stage.
Emma's post:
I agree and disagree because I feel that I can relate to both. Kierkegaard is all about faith in God and accepting death, but Nietzsche is all about the fear of it and rejecting faith. Nietzsche I think was obviously going through that "fear and trembling" feeling all through his life. He thought that seeking position and power, and in other putting oneself above God would somehow make the idea of death disappear or create some kind of certainty for people. Then we have Kierkegaard who is all about his three stages of life, mainly the religious one. I think about death, but never about my own which it weird to think about sometimes. I always think about other's deaths and that effec that would have on me. The more we talked about his in class and the fact that at some point we are going to die and have to accept it, makes me realize that I don't know when I will die it could happen tomorrow or in like fifty years. The fact is that if I accept it I can start to enjoy my life, and reach the ultimate stage which the religious one.
Alex ("Clutter"):
Wow! I don't even know how to start on this comment. You have completely evolved our meaning of clutter and what that means for our lives. We humans focus so much on the material aspect of our lives and if we have iPhones or not, that we lose that sense of simplicity. When everything is short and simple it can be understood easily and can be passed down from person to person easier. I think that at some point of another we all will reach the stage that you are in which I don't even know the name of. Once we realize that we don't need all these extra things in our lives everything will become easier and calmer. I think we all create our own Utopias, but to be able to accept that we don't need all these mateials things that society establishes as needs will definitely take some time. Humans don't want to accept the many things that you accepted and at such a young age too :). It's society that impedes us from creating our own Utopias because society establishes the rules and creates the pressure to conform. We definitely have a problem on our hands and it's time we start working towards a solution.

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