Thursday, October 20, 2011

Soren Kierkegaard

At some or another in our lives we have experienced that uncertainty of what will happen to us after we die, and it scares us even think about it. I know that it hasn't actually hit me yet that death is not planned, and no one really knows when they will die. It could be in the next minute or it could happen in the next fifty years. That uncertainty worries us and causes us to doubt.
The philosopher Soren Kierkegaard was known for his creation of the three stages of the way of life. The first stage was the aesthetic stage that is based on sensory pleasures, both intellectual and physical. The only way someone could get out of the aesthetic stage and into the ethical stage was if they understood that the aesthetic  stage leads to angst and evetually to despair. The ethical stage is based on moral codes, the infinite, and the eternal. To get out of the ethical stage one has to take a leap of faith, which causes a person to move onto the last stage which is the religious stage. The religious stage is when someone that put all their faith in God and wishes to live a morally happier life and to actually enjoy it.
In the case of Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov tried to a "superhuman" and act like he is above moral law and that power is the way out. In the end he confesses his crime to the murder of Alyona and his confession is what allows him to be saved and reach the religious stage. No one person can be extraordinary and above God's moral law. There is only so much power and position that someone can obtain, because humans are not capable of having that much power. Another example for people that reach the religious stage is when one accepts death as it is, and that sometimes happens with old people. Some old people understand and accept death, they have enjoyed life and gotten as much out of it as they can they welcome death whenever it decides to come. Those people that gone into the religious stage they have let go of that "Fear and Trembling" of imminent death, and learned to accept it and not be scared of it. Only a few people are able to reach that stage at a young age because we all want to survive and keep gaining position for ourselves. We don't want to accept death, because of two reasons we don't quite understand it ourselves and because of the belief that death should occur at an older age. However, if we enter into the religious stage at an earlier age wouldn't that allows us to fully and completely enjoy our lives without that constant dread of death in the back of our minds?

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