Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mutual Recognition-Hegel

Talking about Hegel in class has helped better understand his philosophy. The ideas of self-consciousness and the consciousness are more clearer. One needs to be recognized by another person to recognize himself or herself. When I recognize another person and that person recognizes me we have mutual recognition. Mutual recognition can be seen in the world wide web, and like some say Hegel was definitely a man ahead of his time. The internet permits us all to recognize other human beings and their thoughts and vice versa. Before we started talking in depth about Hegel, I just didn't understand why we needed another person to recognize us when we had ourselves to recognize us. However, that's not true because we have family and friends that we have developed relationships with and that recognize us. Family especially is a mutual recognition that inherently exists, because every recognizes each other in the same household. Friendships, like Mr.Summer's said greatly representative of Hegel's "mutual recognition." Better understanding Hegel helps to see his impact and his thought in our present world.

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