Tuesday, November 8, 2011


These past couple of days I've been feeling bad, because I feel that I've been living in this bubble where everything is perfect. For the past couple of months I have met some really amazing and interesting people, who have had really impacting stories. I always thought every mom and dad must be like mine, every friend I have must be like everyone else's. I was so wrong though. This past weekend I realized what people have to go through to get to where they want. As much as I would love to share this person's story, I can't. I just know that the person went through a lot to be successful, but at the same is scared for life. It was so hard listening to this person's story, because I had no way of relating to the person. Like Mr.Summer's said, "In this society it's a custom to think about what we don't have, but we don't realize what we do have." I have never agreed with something so much like I do with this statement.
We sometimes get mad at our parents because they yelled at us or grounded us, but we appreciate the fact that we have parents there to put us back on the right path. Some people don't have parents at all or if they do they treat their kids really badly. There's some kids that didn't live in nice homes didn't have a TV or a bed to lie in. What would it feel like to seventeen and be on your own? Paying rent, going to school, and having two jobs just to be able to make it through the week? I wasn't able to understand this before, but the more I hear from people the more I understand that people that are hurting others are hurting themselves. There's no justification for what these people do, but I don't they realize they will be alone for the rest of their lives. The people they hurt and pushed away won't be there when they realize what they have wrong.

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